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Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |
1 | 2014-02-07 14:15:59 | shengli03 | 1414 | 302 | |
2 | 2014-02-08 10:44:59 | net | 1576 | 294 | |
3 | 2014-02-08 23:35:46 | XiBeiTianLang | 1346 | 294 | |
4 | 2014-02-09 14:49:16 | shamying | 1404 | 304 | |
5 | 2014-02-09 14:49:50 | shamying | 1312 | 324 | |
6 | 2014-02-10 15:06:45 | kukufeicong | 1370 | 292 | |
7 | 2014-02-10 19:19:59 | represents3 | 1358 | 356 | |
8 | 2014-02-10 20:30:35 | shengli03 | 1292 | 288 | |
9 | 2014-02-11 14:46:51 | yiwan | 3648 | 480 | |
10 | 2014-02-12 21:15:27 | shengli03 | 1254 | 298 | |
11 | 2014-02-16 22:45:58 | 一目了然 | 1310 | 276 | |
12 | 2014-02-16 23:02:01 | 一目了然 | 1306 | 276 | |
13 | 2014-02-23 16:44:33 | zhouxh | 1190 | 302 | |
14 | 2014-02-23 16:44:48 | zhouxh | 1306 | 276 | |
15 | 2014-02-27 14:19:43 | 一目了然 | 1188 | 298 |
Sorted by #moves, #pushes, and time:
Order | ID | #Moves | #Pushes | Time |
1 | 一目了然 | 1188 | 298 | 2014-02-27 14:19:43 |
2 | zhouxh | 1190 | 302 | 2014-02-23 16:44:33 |
3 | shengli03 | 1254 | 298 | 2014-02-12 21:15:27 |
4 | shengli03 | 1292 | 288 | 2014-02-10 20:30:35 |
5 | 一目了然 | 1306 | 276 | 2014-02-16 23:02:01 |
6 | zhouxh | 1306 | 276 | 2014-02-23 16:44:48 |
7 | 一目了然 | 1310 | 276 | 2014-02-16 22:45:58 |
8 | shamying | 1312 | 324 | 2014-02-09 14:49:50 |
9 | XiBeiTianLang | 1346 | 294 | 2014-02-08 23:35:46 |
10 | represents3 | 1358 | 356 | 2014-02-10 19:19:59 |
11 | kukufeicong | 1370 | 292 | 2014-02-10 15:06:45 |
12 | shamying | 1404 | 304 | 2014-02-09 14:49:16 |
13 | shengli03 | 1414 | 302 | 2014-02-07 14:15:59 |
14 | net | 1576 | 294 | 2014-02-08 10:44:59 |
15 | yiwan | 3648 | 480 | 2014-02-11 14:46:51 |
Order | ID | Moves | Pushes | Points |
1 | 一目了然 | 1188 | 298 | 100 |
2 | zhouxh | 1190 | 302 | 99 |
3 | shengli03 | 1254 | 298 | 98 |
4 | shamying | 1312 | 324 | 97 |
5 | XiBeiTianLang | 1346 | 294 | 96 |
6 | represents3 | 1358 | 356 | 95 |
7 | kukufeicong | 1370 | 292 | 94 |
8 | net | 1576 | 294 | 93 |
9 | yiwan | 3648 | 480 | 92 |
Sorted by #pushes, #moves and time:
Order | ID | #Pushes | #Moves | Time |
1 | 一目了然 | 276 | 1306 | 2014-02-16 23:02:01 |
2 | zhouxh | 276 | 1306 | 2014-02-23 16:44:48 |
3 | 一目了然 | 276 | 1310 | 2014-02-16 22:45:58 |
4 | shengli03 | 288 | 1292 | 2014-02-10 20:30:35 |
5 | kukufeicong | 292 | 1370 | 2014-02-10 15:06:45 |
6 | XiBeiTianLang | 294 | 1346 | 2014-02-08 23:35:46 |
7 | net | 294 | 1576 | 2014-02-08 10:44:59 |
8 | 一目了然 | 298 | 1188 | 2014-02-27 14:19:43 |
9 | shengli03 | 298 | 1254 | 2014-02-12 21:15:27 |
10 | zhouxh | 302 | 1190 | 2014-02-23 16:44:33 |
11 | shengli03 | 302 | 1414 | 2014-02-07 14:15:59 |
12 | shamying | 304 | 1404 | 2014-02-09 14:49:16 |
13 | shamying | 324 | 1312 | 2014-02-09 14:49:50 |
14 | represents3 | 356 | 1358 | 2014-02-10 19:19:59 |
15 | yiwan | 480 | 3648 | 2014-02-11 14:46:51 |
Order | ID | Pushes | Moves | Points |
1 | 一目了然 | 276 | 1306 | 99.5 |
2 | zhouxh | 276 | 1306 | 98.5 |
3 | shengli03 | 288 | 1292 | 97.5 |
4 | kukufeicong | 292 | 1370 | 96.5 |
5 | XiBeiTianLang | 294 | 1346 | 95.5 |
6 | net | 294 | 1576 | 94.5 |
7 | shamying | 304 | 1404 | 93.5 |
8 | represents3 | 356 | 1358 | 92.5 |
9 | yiwan | 480 | 3648 | 91.5 |
The champions are 一目了然 and zhouxh.
Final Ranking by total points: (if two players have the same total points, the one with higher ranking in the BestMove list ranks higher in the final list)
Order | ID | Total Points |
1 | 一目了然 | 199.5 |
2 | zhouxh | 197.5 |
3 | shengli03 | 195.5 |
4 | XiBeiTianLang | 191.5 |
5 | shamying | 190.5 |
6 | kukufeicong | 190.5 |
7 | represents3 | 187.5 |
8 | net | 187.5 |
9 | yiwan | 183.5 |
Lucky number is 555220 (password is 555220ljljH). R = 555220 % 7 = 1 .
Lucky Player List: (Lucky player is shown in red font)
Order | ID |
0 | shengli03 |
1 | XiBeiTianLang |
2 | shamying |
3 | kukufeicong |
4 | represents3 |
5 | net |
6 | yiwan |
Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |
1 | 2014-02-07 19:01:41 | shamying | 1139 | 188 | |
2 | 2014-02-07 19:40:56 | tengxi | 707 | 182 | |
3 | 2014-02-07 21:58:14 | shengli03 | 1258 | 258 | |
4 | 2014-02-08 10:44:28 | net | 1059 | 176 | |
5 | 2014-02-08 17:35:59 | yiwan | 3076 | 392 | |
6 | 2014-02-08 23:37:49 | XiBeiTianLang | 723 | 216 | |
7 | 2014-02-09 10:25:12 | represents3 | 635 | 182 | |
8 | 2014-02-09 10:26:10 | represents3 | 739 | 158 | |
9 | 2014-02-09 14:40:31 | 一目了然 | 707 | 156 | |
10 | 2014-02-09 23:03:48 | kukufeicong | 1279 | 220 | |
11 | 2014-02-10 10:30:29 | kukufeicong | 1027 | 208 | |
12 | 2014-02-10 20:40:51 | shengli03 | 1091 | 148 | |
13 | 2014-02-23 16:45:08 | zhouxh | 849 | 170 |
Sorted by #moves, #pushes, and time:
Order | ID | #Moves | #Pushes | Time |
1 | represents3 | 635 | 182 | 2014-02-09 10:25:12 |
2 | 一目了然 | 707 | 156 | 2014-02-09 14:40:31 |
3 | tengxi | 707 | 182 | 2014-02-07 19:40:56 |
4 | XiBeiTianLang | 723 | 216 | 2014-02-08 23:37:49 |
5 | represents3 | 739 | 158 | 2014-02-09 10:26:10 |
6 | zhouxh | 849 | 170 | 2014-02-23 16:45:08 |
7 | kukufeicong | 1027 | 208 | 2014-02-10 10:30:29 |
8 | net | 1059 | 176 | 2014-02-08 10:44:28 |
9 | shengli03 | 1091 | 148 | 2014-02-10 20:40:51 |
10 | shamying | 1139 | 188 | 2014-02-07 19:01:41 |
11 | shengli03 | 1258 | 258 | 2014-02-07 21:58:14 |
12 | kukufeicong | 1279 | 220 | 2014-02-09 23:03:48 |
13 | yiwan | 3076 | 392 | 2014-02-08 17:35:59 |
Order | ID | Moves | Pushes | Points |
1 | represents3 | 635 | 182 | 100 |
2 | 一目了然 | 707 | 156 | 99 |
3 | tengxi | 707 | 182 | 98 |
4 | XiBeiTianLang | 723 | 216 | 97 |
5 | zhouxh | 849 | 170 | 96 |
6 | kukufeicong | 1027 | 208 | 95 |
7 | net | 1059 | 176 | 94 |
8 | shengli03 | 1091 | 148 | 93 |
9 | shamying | 1139 | 188 | 92 |
10 | yiwan | 3076 | 392 | 91 |
Sorted by #pushes, #moves and time:
Order | ID | #Pushes | #Moves | Time |
1 | shengli03 | 148 | 1091 | 2014-02-10 20:40:51 |
2 | 一目了然 | 156 | 707 | 2014-02-09 14:40:31 |
3 | represents3 | 158 | 739 | 2014-02-09 10:26:10 |
4 | zhouxh | 170 | 849 | 2014-02-23 16:45:08 |
5 | net | 176 | 1059 | 2014-02-08 10:44:28 |
6 | represents3 | 182 | 635 | 2014-02-09 10:25:12 |
7 | tengxi | 182 | 707 | 2014-02-07 19:40:56 |
8 | shamying | 188 | 1139 | 2014-02-07 19:01:41 |
9 | kukufeicong | 208 | 1027 | 2014-02-10 10:30:29 |
10 | XiBeiTianLang | 216 | 723 | 2014-02-08 23:37:49 |
11 | kukufeicong | 220 | 1279 | 2014-02-09 23:03:48 |
12 | shengli03 | 258 | 1258 | 2014-02-07 21:58:14 |
13 | yiwan | 392 | 3076 | 2014-02-08 17:35:59 |
Order | ID | Pushes | Moves | Points |
1 | shengli03 | 148 | 1091 | 99.5 |
2 | 一目了然 | 156 | 707 | 98.5 |
3 | represents3 | 158 | 739 | 97.5 |
4 | zhouxh | 170 | 849 | 96.5 |
5 | net | 176 | 1059 | 95.5 |
6 | tengxi | 182 | 707 | 94.5 |
7 | shamying | 188 | 1139 | 93.5 |
8 | kukufeicong | 208 | 1027 | 92.5 |
9 | XiBeiTianLang | 216 | 723 | 91.5 |
10 | yiwan | 392 | 3076 | 90.5 |
The champions are represents3 and shengli03.
Final Ranking by total points: (if two players have the same total points, the one with higher ranking in the BestMove list ranks higher in the final list)
Order | ID | Total Points |
1 | represents3 | 197.5 |
2 | 一目了然 | 197.5 |
3 | tengxi | 192.5 |
4 | zhouxh | 192.5 |
5 | shengli03 | 192.5 |
6 | net | 189.5 |
7 | XiBeiTianLang | 188.5 |
8 | kukufeicong | 187.5 |
9 | shamying | 185.5 |
10 | yiwan | 181.5 |